VRT & NOx Calculator Check

Welcome to the MyVehicle.ie Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) calculator.

Use this tool to calculate the vehicle registration tax (VRT) on a Irish, UK or NI registered car.
Simply enter in a registration number and the calculator will return the VRT estimate.

It is designed to make estimating the VRT on a vehicle so much easier and more straightforward than the Revenue.ie website.

Enter the registration number to calculate the VRT amount

By entering in the registration number into the calculator, we can determine the vehicle’s Make, Model, Body Type and Variant as well as the date of first registration of origin State and its CO2 emissions.

Based on this information the calculator will return the Open Market Selling Price (OMSP) for VRT purposes and the amount of VRT payable.

VRT & NOx Calculator Check includes:

  • Full Vehicle Identity Check
  • VRT Calculation
  • NOx Emissions Charge
  • NOx Calculation
  • Rate of VRT
  • Revenue OMSP (when available)
  • Revenue Current OMSP (when available)
  • Revenue VRT Cost
  • Revenue STAT Code
  • Depreciation Code
  • Rate of Depreciation
  • Odometer Reduction
  • Exact CO2 Rating
  • Monthly Adjustment
  • Revenue Alternative Matches

VRT and registration requirements:

  • It is an offense to drive an unregistered vehicle in the state
  • An appointment must be made with the NCTS within 7 days
  • A vehicle must be registered within 30 days
  • Additional VRT applied to unregistered vehicles exceeding the 30-day limit
  • Revenue or the Gardaí can seize and detain unregistered vehicles

Please note that this calculator cannot be used for:

  • Models that require special research for manual valuations, such as motor caravans (motor-homes), vintage cars, classic or collectable cars and certain prestige marques
  • Large commercial vehicles, agricultural tractors, coaches and other large vehicles are generally liable for a fixed VRT charge.

VRT calculations are based on the following criteria:

  • EU classification
  • Vehicle make
  • Vehicle model
  • Version
  • Fuel type
  • Engine capacity
  • Transmission type
  • BHP
  • CO2 emissions
  • NOx emissions
  • Mileage
  • Number of doors
  • Year and month of first registration in any jurisdiction

This VRT estimate is provided by MyVehicle.ie. Ultimately, it is the Revenue Commissioners who is the official source for any information on VRT. All calculations are estimates only and are based on information gathered at the time of request. The final amount can only be calculated by a VRT office.

VRT Guide Content

Vehicle Registration Tax or VRT is a tax charged on new or imported used vehicles registered in Ireland.

It is a requirement that Vehicle Registration Tax (VRT) is paid at the time the vehicle is registered in the Republic of Ireland.

A vehicle registration number is issued with the vehicle at the same time as registration.

All vehicles imported imported into Ireland must be registered with one month of the date they first arrive, except in the following circumstances:

In practical terms, when you buy a new vehicle from a motor dealer, they will register the vehicle on your behalf and will pay the required VRT and VAT* owed Revenue

On collection of the car at a dealership, the registration number of the vehicle will already be displayed on the registration plates.

If you buy a vehicle which is not already registered in Ireland, it must be registered at your local National Car Testing Service centre (NCTS) and they will process the VRT tax due on the vehicle, after which, you will be given a registration number.

VAT on new means of transport
The total price you pay for the vehicle will therefore include VRT plus VAT.

For VAT purposes a new means of transport is when a vehicle is less than 6 months old OR has travelled less than 6,000km. Click here to see the official Revenue information on VRT.

Motor tax
You will not be able to motor tax a vehicle until it has been officially registered in Ireland and after receiving registration plates. For further information on motor tax procedures see the Motor Tax online website.

Foreign registration certificate
Most cars imported into the Republic of Ireland are bought in Northern Ireland and Great Britain so it’s important to get the UK Registration Certificate, called the UK 'V5' when buying the vehicle from those jurisdictions.

It is important to already have in your possession this document because if there is a delay in getting the correct documentation, it could result in the vehicle exceeding the 30 day requirement to have the vehicle registered once it has entered the State. When this happens, you will end up paying additional VRT.

Our VRT Calculator automatically inputs multiple fields of data so you don’t have too, saving you time and effort.

Ordinarily, you would be required by Revenue manually enter the following 13 fields of information as listed below.

Selecting or inputting details not matching your vehicle would also give you an incorrect calculation so there is a great advantage to our VRT Calculator.

VRT calculation fields required by Revenue
  • EU classification (M1 Passenger or N1 light commercial)
  • Japnese registered (Yes or No)
  • Vehicle make
  • Vehicle model
  • Transmission type
  • Number of doors
  • Engine type
  • Body type
  • Engine capacity
  • Version
  • Mileage Units
  • Year of first registration in any jurisdiction
  • Month of first registration in any jurisdiction

A Revenue Statistical Code uniquely identifies a particular Make, Model, Version and Variant of a vehicle, with an individual OMSP determined by Revenue for that vehicle.

The Statistical Code allows you to automatically populate your vehicle details into their own calculator. Without this Stat Code, you must manually enter your vehicle details in the 'Vehicle Type' section of Revenues calculator.

Whenever you use our VRT calculator for a vehicle which is already revenue database you will receive a VRT statistical code.

The VRT calculator on MyVehicle.ie provides a VRT statistical code when providing a calculation.

VRT is calculated and charged based upon the Open Market Selling Price (OMSP) of the vehicle as determined by the Revenue Commissioners alone and no other third party.

There are multiple vehicle variables that are taken into consideration for the VRT calculation.

These include:
  1. The Year and Month of first registration in any jurisdiction. The EU classification of the vehicle, the vehicle make, model and type as well as the number of doors.
  2. The engine type, engine capacity and mileage are also used. Body type and version or varient of the vehicle are also important.
  3. One of the most important factors in a VRT calculation is the CO2 emissions for the vehicle at the time of manufacture. All of these variables are taken into consideration by Revenue when they return an official figure.
  4. Revenue applies the Vehicle Registration Tax by linking the vehicle with a VRT category. Before Revenue can determine the amount of tax payable, the vehicle must fall into one of five Irish categories, A, B, C, D and M which are linked to European type-approval categories M1, N1, N2.
VRT calculations are based on the following criteria:
  • EU classification
  • Irish VRT Tax Category
  • CO2 emissions
  • Year of manufacture
  • Month of manufacture
  • Vehicle make
  • Vehicle model
  • Vehicle Version
  • Body Variant
  • Body Type
  • Engine type
  • Engine capacity
  • Transmission type
  • Number of doors
  • Odometer Mileage

How accurate is the VRT calculator? Well, ultimately, it is the Revenue who has the final say on any VRT calculations as they are the official state body which has responsibility for all VRT calculations.

As such, any VRT calculations by a third party are estimates only and based on information available at the time of request and are an indication of payable VRT for the particular vehicle in question.

The final official VRT amount can only be calculated and actioned on by the VRT office. At times the Open Market Selling Price may change and a different amount may be payable, for example; if a different rate of CO2 emissions is applicable. Additional VRT may also be applied if the vehicle is fitted with chargeable enhancements and/or accessories.

Before any vehicle is registered in the State, it must have a valid Certificate of Conformity (CoC). This has been a requirement for all new vehicles since 12 September, 2016.

The CoC contains all the pertinent manufacturer data connected with that vehicle. The information contained on the CoC must be entered on the Revenue computer system before a new vehicle can be registered. In effect, the CoC is a statement by the vehicle manufacturer that the vehicle conforms to European Union standards, including safety.

When you buy a new car from a motor dealer in Ireland, that dealer should register the car before delivering it to you, otherwise you must register the vehicle yourself. That means that you must get the CoC and other mandatory documentation, either in paper form or in electronic form, from the seller. You should check in advance that the car seller has the correct CoC and documentation.

You can enter the CoC using your myAccount or through ROS. If the CoC is provided in the correct XML format you may upload it. Otherwise you can manually input the CoC. This manual will assist you e-CoC Procedures Manual. You must have entered the CoC onto the Revenue system before visiting the NCTS Centre.

If you buy a used vehicle from a foreign jurisdiction, say from the UK, you are required to get documentation pertaining to the previous foreign registration from the seller. You should always check in advance that the seller has all the relevant and mandatory documentation related to the vehicle

The UK has specific requirements regarding the sale of vehicles, please see selling a vehicle here at the GOV.UK website.

All VRT related vehicle registration procedures are carried out by the NCTS (National Car Testing Service). That means that all used cars must be brought to your local NCT centre.

When you register a used car at the NCT test centre you must bring along:

  • evidence of previous registration (foreign certificate of registration or deregistration)
  • if not included in the foreign registration document, confirmation of the level of CO2 emissions of the vehicle at the time of manufacture

When you register a new car at the NCT test centre you must bring along:

  • Hardcopy of the Certificate of Conformity (CoC)
  • The CoC or evidence of previous registration will be retained by the NCT so if you need to make copies of these documents before going to the NCTS Centre, you can do so

In addition to the above documents, you must also always bring the following:

  • A Driving licence for identification purposes
  • The Vehicle Purchase Details (VPD) Form, (the VRTVPD1 form for an authorised motor trader, otherwise Form VRTVPD2)
  • An invoice showing the date the vehicle was purchased
  • Documentation verifying the registered owner's name and address, for example original utility bill or bank statement. Otherwise two online statements from two different service providers must be submitted
  • If you are registering the vehicle for someone else, you must bring along a signed letter authorising you to do so by the owner of the vehicle.
    • You must also bring proof of vehicle owners identity in addition to your own
    • Authorised motor traders can bring a copy of the new owners drivers licence of
  • Your PPSN (Personal Public Service Number) or of the registered owner
  • Authorised motor traders should give their Revenue Customer Number
  • Evidence of the date a vehicle entered the State is required.
    • For example, shipping details or travel documents etc
    • The SAD (single administrative document) number, for transport from outside the European Union (EU)
    • If the invoice is more than 30 days old, evidence of vehicle storage outside the State may be required

If there is a VRT exemption you must bring this Revenue notification

  • The vehicle will be examined at the NCT centre to ensure it matches the documentation
  • If all required documentation is not supplied, the vehicle will not be registered
  • If the vehicle does not match the documentation, the vehicle will not be registered
  • You can pay any tax due by:
    • cash (up to €250)
    • debit card
    • bank draft (payable to 'Applus Car Testing Service Ltd.')
    • credit card
  • After registration, the vehicle will receive its registration number
  • You are not charged at the NCT centre for the registration process
    • Revenue pay for one appointment
    • If a second appointment is necessary you will have to pay for that
  • Sometimes a registration may not be completed on the day for these reasons:
    • If a vehicle model is not listed on Revenue's system
    • Revenue has to value a vehicle individually
    • Where the NCT centre does not complete the process on that day, they will follow up with the customer regarding completing the registration. (This is not considered a second appointment, and you will not be charged for this)

Please see the NCTS website for further details

There are 4 categories of vehicles which are affected by VRT. The MyVehicle.ie calculator mainly deals with VRT Category A which are generally regular passenger vehicles. The rate of VRT tax chargeable to these passenger cars are based on the CO2 emission levels of the vehicle at the time of its manufacture.

  • A (EU Category M1)
  • B (EU Category N1)
  • C (EU Category N2)
  • D (no EU equivalent)

The types of vehicles that are included are typically:

VRT Category 'A' Passenger Vehicles (M1)

  • Saloons
  • Hatchbacks
  • MPVs
  • Jeeps
  • Coupes
  • Convertibles
  • Minibuses
VRT Category A Rates Table
VRT Band CO2 Emissions (g/km) VRT Rate Minimum VRT
A1 0 - 80 g/km 14% of OMSP €280
A2 81 -100 g/km 15% of OMSP €300
A3 101 - 110 g/km 16% of OMSP €320
B1 111 - 120 g/km 17% of OMSP €340
B2 121 - 130 g/km 18% of OMSP €360
B3 131 - 140 g/km 19% of OMSP €380
C 141 - 155 g/km 23% of OMSP €460
D 156 - 170 g/km 27% of OMSP €540
E 171 - 190 g/km 30% of OMSP €600
F 191 - 225 g/km 34% of OMSP €680
G 225 g/km and above 36% of OMSP €720
co2 vrt petrol engine chart

From 1 January 2019 Revenue implemented a new 1% surcharge which applies to all diesel fuel vehicles. The VRT Category A rates diesel vehicles are as follows:

VRT Category A Diesel Rates Table
VRT Band CO2 Emissions (g/km) VRT Rate Minimum VRT
A1 0 - 80 g/km 15% of OMSP €300
A2 81 -100 g/km 16% of OMSP €320
A3 101 - 110 g/km 17% of OMSP €340
B1 111 - 120 g/km 18% of OMSP €360
B2 121 - 130 g/km 19% of OMSP €380
B3 131 - 140 g/km 20% of OMSP €400
C 141 - 155 g/km 24% of OMSP €480
D 156 - 170 g/km 28% of OMSP €560
E 171 - 190 g/km 31% of OMSP €620
F 191 - 225 g/km 35% of OMSP €700
G 225 g/km and above 37% of OMSP €740
co2 vrt diesel engine chart

VRT Category ‘B’ Vehicles (N1)

VRT Category B relates to light commercial vehicles, designed and constructed for the carriage of goods not exceeding 3.5 tonnes.

This Irish VRT vehicle category is equivalent to the European category N1 category and generally these vehicles have three seats or less. VRT Category B also includes motor caravans.

Category B VRT is generally 13.3% of the OMSP and the minimum due is €125.

However, some N1 vans are charged a charge of €200 if they always had less than 4 seats and a laden mass greater than 130% of the mass in service.

  • Car Derived Vans
  • Jeep Derived Vans
  • Crew cabs

The types of vehicles that are not included are typically Classic Collectable, Motor Caravans (Campers), Kit Vehicles and vehicles that require to be assessed on an individual basis.

Category 'C' or Commercial Vehicles are not included in the calculator, but VRT is assessed at a flat rate of €50.00 on these types of vehicles.

*Please note that some Makes / Models / CO2 Emissions of vehicles are not included.

The rate at which it is charged depends on the type of vehicle being registered.

The VRT tax rate for standard passenger cars is based on CO2 emissions of the car.

All VRT rates for new and used cars registered in Ireland are based on the CO2 emissions of the vehicle. These rates can be seen below in an easily understandable graph.

The percentage rates refer to the percentage calculated when taking into consideration the OMSP (Open Market Selling Price) of the vehicle being registered.

The rates only apply to Category A vehicles which include regular passenger cars such as saloons, estates, hatchbacks, convertibles, coupes, MPVs, Jeeps etc. and also minibuses with less than 12 permanently fitted passenger seats. It also should be noted that diesel cars are subject to further 1% VRT surcharge.

All VRT charges for passenger cars first registered in Ireland since 2008 are based on the CO2 emissions of the vehicle. Simply speaking, the higher CO2 emissions, the higher VRT you pay.

As part of the registration process for VRT, the NCTS centre require that the CO2 emissions levels are confirmed. Revenuecan identify the CO2 emissions for over 12,000 vehicle models on their website.

If the level of CO2 emissions is different from that on the Revenue website and the documentation shows different emissions levels, Revenue will accept it provided it is listed among the following sources:

  • Certificate from the manufacturer or distributor stating the CO2 emissions
  • Owner's manual on older cars may show CO2 emissions levels
  • A print-out from the Revenue.ie website showing CO2 emissions is also acceptable
  • A printout from the ROS Enquiry System where the level of CO2 emissions for that particular model is displayed
  • For a Japanese import, the following sources declaring CO2 are acceptable:
    • Export Certificate
    • Japanese Certificate of Cancellation of Motor Vehicle Registration
    • A printout from the Japanese Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport showing the level of CO2 emissions for the model on the certificate
    • An extract from the relevant section of the Japanese Motor Vehicle Guidebook showing the fuel consumption of the vehicle (pre-1998 vehicles only).

A printout from Goonet Exchange showing the fuel consumption of the vehicle (pre-1998 vehicles only).

All vehicles imported into the State must be inspected at an NCT test centre within 7 days of importation in order to register and pay Vehicle Registration Tax (and any other tax liabilities due on the vehicle).

The National Car Testing Service NCTS administer all Vehicle Registration Tax on behalf of the Revenue Commissioners.

On completion of the registration process, VRT must be paid within 30 days of the vehicle entering the Republic.

In certain cases, you may be exempt from Vehicle Registration Tax, such as when transferring residence to the Republic of Ireland from another State and you have been the owner of the vehicle for more than six months and can prove ownership.

After registration, you will then be issued with a vehicle registration number. With this number, you can then purchase number plates and pay your motor tax.

After the vehicle is registered at the NCTS centre and you have received your registration number you can then get your number plates.

Registration plates must be displayed on the front and rear of the vehicle and clearly visible at all times.

Registration plates are not supplied by the NCT centre or Revenue. Once they conform to the required standard, hey can be bought from any source.

There is a very specific format and size for the registration plates and so t is illegal to display plates that do not comply with these standards. There is actually a fine of up to €5,000 if you display plates that do not meet the required standards.

The dimensions and technical specifications of registration plates are outlined in legislation S.I No. 318 of 1992 (as amended).

Registration plateS must consist of:

  • Black numbers, black letters on white reflective background
  • County of registration in Irish at the top of the plate
  • EU flag comprising twelve gold stars in a circle
  • Letters IRL in white on the left-hand side of the plate on a blue reflective background
  • No other words letters, numbers or marks are permitted on the plate.
Please Note: The information contained on this site is for informational purposes only and therefore is not an official source. For any queries or questions relating to any information contained herein, please direct all questions to the appropriate government agency, in this case, NCTS or The Department of Transport in Shannon. MyVehicle.ie is not an official source and therefore we are not part of VRT processing.

See also Car Import Fees calculator


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