4,000 drivers fined for Dublin Port Tunnel speeding

4000 drivers fined for Dublin Port Tunnel speeding
More than 4,000 drivers have been issued with speeding fines after exceeding the speed limit at the Dublin Port Tunnel.
The new 'average speed' detection system was introduced just six months ago and in that time the system has caught thousands of drivers in the speed trap.
The new cameras time vehicles that use the 4.5km tunnel and calculate their speed depending on the time they enter and the time they leave it.
If you travel through the tunnel any faster than three minutes and 36 seconds will mean the driver has broken the 80kmh speed limit and will automatically incur a fixed penalty notice of €80 and three penalty points.
Since the new system went live on June 1 last, it has potentially generated €320,000 in fines. Garda spokesman said:
"In excess of 25,000 vehicles use the tunnel each day, the vast majority of which fully comply the limits,"
"Gardaí continue to appeal to those using the tunnel to reduce their speed. They are particularly appealing to fleet managers and haulage companies to bring to the attention of the drivers the limits in place,"
As well as getting a fine, a motorist also gets three penalty points on their licence, increasing to five penalty points and an increased fine if convicted in court.
The cameras are the first of their kind in Ireland and record speed over a distance rather than in one location. The system consists of cameras on both sides of the tunnel with large signs alerting drivers to the fact that average speed cameras are in place. Transport Minister Shane Ross said:
"Any initiative that has the potential to save lives and reduce serious injuries on our roads is to be welcomed,"


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
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