5 Steps to prepare your car for winter season.
Winter is Coming and during the dead of winter, it is extremely risky to head out in a poorly maintained vehicle. Its freezing weather, your arms barely function and your vision is impeded due to the fog. Extreme weather conditions, hot or cold can cause parts to wear out more quickly than they may otherwise. In case of snow, it is noted that road salt is primarily responsible for vehicle problems such as rusting to clogs and buildup. To keep you safe we have come up with a few precautions.
1.) Make Sure your Vehicle's Battery is Checked before the cold weather sets in.
During extremely cold weather, a car battery can die without any notice. Exceedingly cold temperatures can result in reducing a Vehicle's battery life by up to 50 percent. Before the cold weather sets in, have your battery tested by your local mechanic - especially if you have an older car. Also, make sure your battery connections are free from corrosion.
2.) Check your anti-freeze
Coolant systems that are not found in the proper proportion will end up overheating due to freezing. The best solution is to have the car's coolant system flushed in the fall to prepare for the wind. You also need to check the system for leaks and install fresh coolant.
3.) Maintain appropriate tire pressure and tread depth
The key to staying on the road during those awful blizzards and heavy snowfalls is having dependable tires that are in good shape. In order to keep yourself and your vehicle safe during winter driving you first need to check your tire pressure, you can do it with a simple gauge and cross check the vehicles manual for recommended pressure level. You should also make sure your tires have appropriate amounts of tread on them.
4.) Inspect the Windshield Wipers
Inspect the windshield wipers and replace them if they are worn or have become hardened. Change the windshield wiper fluid with one that has antifreeze added to it.
5.) Regular maintaining the Gas Tank
As the temperature drops below freezing, add a bottle of fuel deicer in your tank once a month to help keep moisture from freezing in the fuel line. Keeping the gas tank filled also helps prevent moisture from forming.
Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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