All You Need to Know About the Vehicle Registration Tax in Ireland
Vehicle Registration Tax Calculator
The Vehicle Registration Tax, also known as VRT, is a tax that is charged when an individual registers a vehicle that they have imported or bought in Ireland. If you’re considering buying a car, you should know that it is mandatory to register your vehicle and pay the VRT, given that driving an unregistered vehicle on Irish roads is considered an offence, unless you are legally exempt from registering the vehicle. Most car buyers don’t account for the cost of the Vehicle Registration Tax at the time of purchasing a vehicle and end up stretching their budget — fortunately, you don’t have to be in the same boat and can be prepared for the additional costs by using the VRT calculator on Here’s all you need to know.
Registering a new vehicle
When you purchase a new vehicle in Ireland, the dealership will likely register the vehicle for you. In case the dealer doesn’t, you will need to get the vehicle registered. The first step to doing this is using a VRT calculator in Ireland. Then, obtain the CoC (Certificate of Conformity) either in electronic or paper form, and upload it on the Revenue system prior to your National Car Testing Service (NCTS) appointment. Keep in mind that the COC essentially has information that is unique to your car — the document states that the maker of the vehicle has manufactured it in accordance with EU standards.
Registering a used imported vehicle
If you are purchasing a pre-owned vehicle from abroad, it’s important that you get the foreign registration documents. Make sure to check that the seller has this documentation before you agree to purchase the car. If you are importing the car from the UK, you’ll need to get your hands on the V5C (which is the foreign registration document).
How to register a vehicle
You already know that driving an unregistered vehicle in Ireland is an offence, and if you are caught by the Gardai or Revenue, your unregistered vehicle may be seized and only released once you pay the due penalty. That’s why it’s vital to register your vehicle as soon as you purchase it. If you’re purchasing from a dealership, don’t assume the dealer will do it for you — make sure to check if you need to register the vehicle. In case you are registering the vehicle yourself, it’s important that you use a VRT calculator and collect the necessary documents. Failure to present any mandatory documents at the time of your NCTS appointment could result in the officials refusing to register your vehicle.
How to check the VRT
Calculating the VRT is essential for car buyers to know how much tax they need to pay. Fortunately, you don’t have to rely on opinions and guesswork anymore, thanks to’s VRT and NOx calculator. This VRT calculator can help you get an accurate estimate of the tax you’ll need to pay if you are purchasing an Irish, UK, or NI registered vehicle. All you need to do to use’s VRT calculator in Ireland is enter the registration number of the vehicle and odometer reading (if applicable). Based on these details, you’ll receive a comprehensive report that contains the VRT calculation, NOx calculation, rate of the vehicle registration tax, and details pertaining to the identity-check of the vehicle, among other things.
How to calculate the VRT
The vehicle registration tax is usually calculated based on the value of the vehicle, which is known as the Open Market Selling Price (or OMPS, in short). Keep in mind that this value may differ slightly from the invoice value of the vehicle. With’s VRT calculator tool, you don’t have to manually check what the OMSP of a vehicle is — the tool automatically computes this for you and gives you an accurate estimate of the VRT.
It’s important for car buyers to remember that the VRT will have to be paid within 30 days of purchasing or importing a vehicle to Ireland. If you don’t register your car and pay the tax that is due within this period, you will have to pay an additional VRT. The additional VRT is typically added to the tax that is already due, thus increasing how much you have to pay. So, make sure to use a VRT calculator and register your car and pay the taxes at the earliest to avoid being penalised.
VRT Rates from 1/1/2022
TO |
VRT Rate 2022 |
1 |
0 |
50 |
7.00% |
2 |
51 |
80 |
9.00% |
3 |
81 |
85 |
9.75% |
4 |
86 |
90 |
10.50% |
5 |
91 |
95 |
11.25% |
6 |
96 |
100 |
12.00% |
7 |
101 |
105 |
12.75% |
8 |
106 |
110 |
13.50% |
9 |
111 |
115 |
15.25% |
10 |
116 |
120 |
16.00% |
11 |
121 |
125 |
16.75% |
12 |
126 |
130 |
17.50% |
13 |
131 |
135 |
19.25% |
14 |
136 |
140 |
20.00% |
15 |
141 |
145 |
21.50% |
16 |
146 |
150 |
25.00% |
17 |
151 |
155 |
27.50% |
18 |
156 |
170 |
30.00% |
19 |
171 |
190 |
35.00% |
20 |
>191 |
41.00% |

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
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He has almost 20 years experience in
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As the Managing Director of Vehicle
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