Audi recalls 127,000 luxury cars

Audi has recalled 127,000 luxury cars which authorities believe were fitted with emissions-cheating devices. Six forced recalls have come after the company said its internal probe was over.
The recall is due to an investigation by the Federal Motor Transport Agency (KBA) who detected 'unacceptable shut-off devices. The models concerned are A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, Q5, sq 5, sq 5 Plus and Q7
The authorities in Germany suspect that these vehicles have been fitted with emissions-cheating devices. The KBA detected 'unacceptable shut-off devices' for all V6 diesel engines with the latest standard Euro 6.
The Audi boss Rupert Stadler said that his task force 'Diesel' was to be dissolved in the first quarter of 2018 and said the inspection of all engines had been completed and further manipulation could be ruled out.
It has been reported that these latest cheating diesels were only produced since the end of 2015, which is after the scandal became known. Audi spokesman Toni Melfi said:
“Audi is examining all diesel concepts meticulously for any irregularities”
In the course of this systematic and detailed review and evaluation, the Federal Motor Transport Agency has now also issued a distinction for Audi models with V6 TDI engines and by February 2 at the latest, Audi must present the KBA solutions for all models.
Professor Julius Reiter, a specialist consumer affairs lawyer, said:
“That Audi further damages unsuspecting car buyers shows that the Volkswagen Group does not impress law enforcement authorities or those of the courts.”


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
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