Car deaths due to heat stroke on track to be the deadliest year in U.S. history
With the hot weather in recent weeks in Ireland and the UK, it is very important to have the reminder to mind children and not leave them in hot cars where they can suffer heat stroke. In horrific and tragic circumstances in the United States, a record 28 children have died from heatstroke in a car this year, the most through July and the deadliest year in U. S. history.
Every year on average, in the United States 37 children die in hot cars in the U.S. Last year, 43 children died from heat strokes in cars during July, which is the deadliest month of the year.
Never, ever leave children, old or vulnerable people as well as animals in a locked car, especially in hot weather. Parents should always remember to “Look Before You Lock” and remember to check for their child in the car. It seems so unbelievable to most of us that a parent or guardian of a child could do this but it is a tragic fact that each year, all around the world, children, as well as adults, are dying of heatstroke in hot vehicles.
Always make sure your child is never left behind in the backseat of a car, even for a short time. And make sure, no one has been left behind. If you find that you can be forgetful, put something you need in the back seat to remind you to open the back door every time you park. The idea is if you leave the vehicle without this item, you would have to go back to get it.
Another important thing is to make sure children cannot get into a parked car and accidentally lock themselves in. Keep vehicles locked at all times, even in the garage or driveway and even if you do not have children.
Another important thing you can do is to never leave Keys and remote openers within reach of children. Electric windows can also be an extreme danger to children left unattended in a vehicle. If a child is missing, immediately check the passenger compartment and trunk of all vehicles in the area very carefully. These tragedies are totally preventable. president and founder Janette Fennell said,
“We always see an increase in child injuries and deaths this time of year. It is devastating to know that there are families all across America right now holding their precious babies, unaware that they will lose them in a hot car this summer. But, these children don’t have to die. Parents and caregivers have the power to make sure that this doesn’t happen to them.”

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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