The cars Irish people least consider buying

The cars Irish people least consider buying
You may ask yourself, what car do Irish people most want to drive?Well, it may not come as any surprise but Audi is purported to be the most desirable car brand in Ireland, according to a new survey of nearly 4,000 motorists by the insurance provider
In contrast to the most desired brand (not to be confused with the most popular brands) Renault was selected as the least desirable brand from a list of the top-ten selling brands.
So when presented with a list of the top 10 best-selling brands in Ireland, 26 per cent selected Renault as the one they would least consider.
The French car brand unfortunately also topped the least desirable car brand listing last year as well.
As you can guess, the Irish car review found that the premium German brands comes out on top, if budget was no issue, that is.
Well, I think we all would love to have the money to roll in to our local Audi, BMW or Mercedes, dealership and drive out with a brand new luxury car but we can dream.
It would seem that even if Irish buyers have no budget constraints, they don’t really aspire to buy luxury car brands.
Top desired mainstream brands
Of the mainstream brands, Toyota topped the list with 3.9 per cent, ahead of Volkswagen (3.3 per cent) and Ford (2.2 per cent)
Top desired luxury car brands in Ireland
- Audi 15.2 per cent
- BMW (12.7 per cent)
- Mercedes (12.5 per cent)
- Land Rover (9.8 per cent).
- Aston Martin (7.5 per cent)
- Porsche (4.9 per cent)
- Ferrari (4.7 per cent)
- Lamborghini (3.5 per cent)
- Rolls Royce (2.3 per cent)


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
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