Car News recent articles in category Statistics

  • Most Popular Cars in Ireland for September 2018 (Nationwide)

    Car Sales for September The Nationwide Market Overview report for the month of September 2018 shows that of the top ten used cars sold by Independent dealers in Ireland, the number one best selling car was the Volkswagen Golf. When it came to Franchise dealers, of the top-ten used cars sold, the number one spot again went to the...

  • Central Bank reveals there are fewer PCP’s than previously thought

    The Central Bank has revealed that there are fewer PCP deals in the State than previously thought and has revised down the number of outstanding live contracts by 50,000. The Central Bank has updated their findings with regard to Personal Contract Plans and found that the PCP car finance market is considerably smaller than previously thought. Even though there...

  • UK Car Imports - the Pros and Cons

    Importing a UK car New car registrations in Ireland are dropping while UK car imports are soaringand the number of UK car imports has been steadily increasing year on year. Last year (2017) the number of UK imported cars hit highest levels ever with 33,000 UK cars being brought into Ireland. Of these cars, almost 1 in 10 had false...

  • New cars sales and Imports sold in July by County

    During the month of July there was a total of 27,155 new cars registered across Ireland. Added to that, 8,086 cars were imported into the country, the vast majority from the United Kingdom. Of the 27,155 new cars imported last month, 24,308 (90%) vehicles were actually sold and taxed by consumers which would show that the vast majority of...

  • Top-Ten Most Popular Cars in Ireland May 2018

    Most popular Cars in Ireland May 2018 The VMS Nationwide Market Overview report for the month of May 2018 shows that of the top ten used cars sold byIndependent dealersin Ireland, the number one best selling car was the Ford Focus. When it came to Franchise dealers, of the top-ten used cars sold, the number one spot went to the...

  • New car sales down 3.9% in first quarter of 2018

    New car sales down New CSO (Central Statistics Office) figures show a total of 16,088 new private cars were licensed for the first time last month which, for the first time, was a fall of 6.4% compared to the same time in March last year. When comparing new private cars licensed for the first time in March 2018 to March...

  • Less than 6pc of fatal collisions in past four years involved learner drivers

    It has been revealed in latest figures that an average of 12 learner drivers are involved in fatal crashes each year. That means that less than 6pc of fatal collisions in Ireland in the past four years have involved a learner driver. What one can extrapolate from these figures is that the proportion of learner drivers in fatal car accidents...

  • Northern Ireland car sales stall in February

    According to the latest figures from Northern Ireland, new car sales stalled last month as the motor trade sold 243 fewer cars in February compared to the same month last year, latest industry figures show. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) said car sales in Northern Ireland fell year on year by 5.69 per with just 4029 new...

  • Tesla dominating luxury car segment in Europe

    According to market research carried out by JATO Dynamics who provide automotive market intelligence to the motoring industry, the Tesla Model S is now dominating the luxury car segment in Europe. Tesla has had a foothold in its home country, the United States for a few years now but up until now it has not surpassed some of the flagship...

  • Looks like Brexit may be hitting new car sales

    New CSO figures show that there has been a 3.2% fall in new car sales in January compared with the same month last year. Many in the automotive industry are claiming that the economic uncertainties of Brexit are a factor. The latest figures from the Central Statistics Office has showed that in addition to the 3.2% decrease in new car...