Crazy Roman Police Escort for the Irish Rugby Team
Watch as the Irish rugby team get a crazy police escort through the streets of Rome at the weekend in the runup to their match with Italy which happened yesterday.
You will see the bazaar and erratic driving of the Italian cops as the weave in and out at high speed in their escort duties on Saturday in the Eternal City.
The video was shot from the team bus before the Six Nations clash with Italy yesterday afternoon. Ireland went on to win the match 26 - 16.
As you watch the comical driving skills of the Polizia, you can hear laughing and humorous comments in the background as the players and coaches look on as the Roman police give an escort that Caesar himself would have been proud of.
The cop car can be seen accelerating ahead and swerving towards traffic as the police officer in the passenger seat appears frantically waving his arms out the window and flagging cars down and out of the way.
Roman Polizia at the Coliseum
The Italian Police force is known as Polizia di Stato (State Police). Alongside the Carabinieri (Military Police) they are the principle policing agency for the maintenance of public security. They are responsible for highway patrol (autostrade), railways (ferrovie), airports (aeroporti), customs and waterways. They assist local police forces all over Italy.
The State Police were a military force until 1981 when the Italian State Law 121 was passed and they became a civil force. This is in contrast to the famous Carabinieri, formally known as the Arma dei Carabinieri, which is a military police (gendarmerie) force.
The Polizia di Stato is run directly from the Dipartimento della Pubblica Sicurezza (Department of Public Security) and the keeping of public order (ordine pubblico). They certainly brought order to the streets of Rome for the Irish team. Grazie!

Justin Kavanagh
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