Cyclists Protest New Luas Cross City Line In Protest

A group of cyclists gathered in Dublin City Centre today to protest against the new Luas Cross City Line and the dangers it has caused for cyclists in the city.
The protesters are concerned with some practical problems with the layout and are also taking issue with new signs advising cyclists to 'dismount' and walk in certain areas.
The protest was organised by iBike Ireland and 35 or more cyclists dismounted and walked from College Green and along part of Nassau St.
Stephen McManus, one of the co-founders of I Bike Dublin said:
"It is quite obvious that cycling was a complete afterthought, that no planning was put in place and it is today very dangerous as there were a number of accidents.
“And now they have decided to make themselves safer they put signs saying cyclists dismount, so basically exonerating themselves of any responsibility."So what we are doing is making a statement here by dismounting. There is nowhere to go so we are going to be walking on the street and making a point that it is an absurd policy. They can’t just turn their backs and close their eyes on the issue."

The original Luas Cross City plan banned cyclists from cycling in certain areas on the Luas line but Dublin City Council refused to enforce the ban. As a result, the NTA erected a number of 'Cyclist Dismount' signs urging cyclists to walk from the Molesworth St junction on Dawson St through to College Green.
A spokesperson for the National Transport Authority of Ireland explained:
"In this area, cycling in the tram line involves dealing with a restricted width between kerb line and tram track, with a high number of trams, buses/coaches and taxis which will all be using the same street space."This gives rise to the possibility of bicycle wheels becoming caught in the groove of the tram track leading to accidents and incidents.
"For that reason, the NTA believes that, particularly at the busiest times of the day, cyclists are best advised to dismount for these sections.'


Justin Kavanagh
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