Dodgy drivers beware
New app available to Gardai to detect drivers who should not be on the road
New mobile technology is being rolled out to Gardai which will be used to determine the drivers that are not properly licensed, disqualified, or haven’t got tax or insurance.
The app will be able to use different databases accessible and check licence and registration details of drivers. This will allow them to issue fixed charged penalties immediately at the roadside.
There are about 50 of these in operation now in Limerick on a trial period with the expectation of 2000 to be available by the end of the year. It gives the Gardai the ability to pull in a vehicle and input the driver details and check the status of their vehicle and all their details instantly.
Everything from whether the driver has a full licence and can drive unaccompanied, whether they are disqualified, or whether their tax and NCT is up to date, will be verified on the spot.
The device will also be able to detect if any foul play has occurred. Insurance details are to be added in the coming months.
If someone gives an address that is not valid this will be flagged immediately. What's great about these devices is that they are encrypted and can work even in areas that do not have a signal or wifi connection.
The garda commissioner has said “The Mobile Data Station will allow the Garda Member to be more visible in the community, bringing the station right into the heart of the community and presents the opportunity for Garda members and staff to be more efficient and effective by having mobile access to relevant core policing applications, a wide range of real-time information and the ability to input and update information ‘On-the-Go’,”
Despite the optimism about the app, some garda bodies feel that the 2,000 devices outlined is not nearly enough and that all gardai out on the frontline should be equipped with these.
This comes with an appeal to drivers to be cautious over the bank holiday weekend!

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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