Dublin gang steals cars by ‘fishing’ for keys through the letterbox
Fishing for keys through your letterbox
A teen gang from Dublin’s Northside is stealing cars by 'fishing' for keys through letterboxes. So far this criminal gang is suspected of stealing at least 30 high-end cars in affluent NorthDublin suburbs.
This teen gang targeted houses in Malahide, Howth, Sutton, Raheny and Clontarf. It is believed that the gang stole car keys by putting grab implements into letterboxes and “fishing” for the keys that were left on a table or phone stand inside the hallway.
The gang targeted up-market homes where expensive cars were parked, such as Audis, BMWs and Mercedes. One Garda source said:
After the stolen cars are used in the burglaries, they are then driven off and parked up at apartment complexes in the northside. Some high-end cars were recovered at the apartment complexes at the Belmayne area of Balgriffin near Donaghmede. Usually, these cars are discovered within a few days.
It became such a problem in recent weeks that Garda management had to issue a situation bulletin identifying the alleged gang members to officers in all Dublin stations.
Gardaí believe the gang is made up of around eight members aged between 16 and 22 who live in the Edenmore and Coolock area.
The guards have failed to make any arrests so far in the investigation.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
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