Gardai surrounds Kildare towns and seizes cars

Gardai siezes cars in Kildare
Gardai surrounded several Kildare towns last Friday night in a task known as Operation Surround.
The Operation aims to clamp down on drink driving and road traffic crime. During the evening, one man was arrested and four vehicles were seized from motorists suspected of driving while under the influence.
Operation Surround saw Naas District Gardai placed checkpoints on all approach roads to several towns in Kildare on January 20.
The first town they targeted was Robertstown earlier in the evening where they carried out mandatory alcohol breath testing. They also checked for other offences such as checking to see if insurance, motor Tax and NCT’s were up to date.
It was also revealed by a source inside the Gardai, that they are also hoping to disrupt illegal activity by criminal gangs involved in the movement of drugs.
The Gardaí were able to seize two vehicles in Robertstown for no insurance. Later that night the operation was extended to all the approach roads to Clane. There, a man in his early thirties was arrested as he failed a roadside breath test. He was brought Naas Garda Station where he provided a sample.
After that in Kilcullen, all approach roads were cordoned off by Garda checkpoints and another two vehicles were seized for having no insurance.
Finally, the Gardaí surrounded Naas and detained one car on the Monread Road for again, you guessed it, having no insurance.
The Gardaí said they can seize cars when the tax is out of date for more than two months and if the driver has no license, if the car is uninsured and if the NCT is out of date.
It has been some years since operations of this nature have been carried out by the Guards but it is believed they are likely to be more common going forward.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
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