Global EV Battery Market is Doubling year on year
Highest xEV battery growth rate year-on-year
According to SNE Research, the total global battery capacity for passenger xEVs (buses and trucks are excluded) registered in July amounted to 20.7 GWh. This was a massive increase of 113% more than the same period in 2020.
CATL remains the number one manufacturer in the xEV battery market with 6.1 GWh (up 236%) and over 29% market share
LG Chem's LG Energy Solution also showed an increase of 5.1 GWh (up 81%). The highest growth rates in the industry where with the Chinese manufacturers such as CATL, BYD and CALB. Compared to these Chinese companies, Panasonic's growth rate is relatively weak.
At this time global battery capacity deployment is increasing at a quicker rate than xEV sales. Not only is there a huge increase in the number of battery packs being manufactured, but also the average battery capacity is continuing to increase.
From January to July 2021 more than 126 GWh (up 154%) of batteries were deployed globally in new passenger xEVs.
Global Passenger xEV Battery Shipment Market Share - July 2021
CATL - 6.1 GWh (up 236%) with 29.3% share
LG Chem's LG Energy Solution - 5.1 GWh (up 81%) with 24.5% share
Panasonic - 2.5 GWh (up 47%) with 11.9% share
BYD - 2.0 GWh (up 331%) with 9.6% share
SK Innovation - 1.2 GWh (up 81%) with 5.8% share
Samsung SDI - 1.0 GWh (up 14%) with 4.7% share
CALB - 0.7 GWh (up 357%) with 3.6% share
Guoxuan - 0.4 GWh (up 76%) with 1.9% share
Envision AESC - 0.3 GWh (down 7%) with 1.3% share
PEVE - 0.2 GWh (up 18%) with 1.1% share
Others - 1.3 GWh (up 128%) with 6.4% share
Total - 20.7 GWh (up 113%)
September was even better than July with another all-time record month with 31.7 GWh deployed onto roads globally. The global passenger xEV (BEVs, PHEVs, HEVs) batter market is currently doubling year-over-year, reaching staggering new levels.
According to Adamas Intelligence, in September 2021, revealed that all newly sold passenger xEVs deployed onto the global roads network amounted to about 31.7 GWh of large format battery capacity. That equates to a 105% increase year-over-year, which was a new monthly record and 19% better than the previous record set in July 2021.
According to the Adamas Intelligence report, CATL is the biggest player in the Passenger xEV battery market with a 35% share in September. That's more than the next two nearest competitors, LG Chem's LG Energy Solution (19%) and Panasonic (15%) combined.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
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