Improving your car's fuel consumption
How can I improve fuel consumption in my car?
Well here is a quick and easy guide to help you? Quick and Easy tips to fuel efficiency.
The cost of maintaining a vehicle has steeply escalated in recent times but it is crucial to realize that a vehicle will burn 30% more fuel if it not properly maintained on a regular basis. This article attempts to help you cut back some of the gas expenses by combining finest car tweaks, behind-the-wheel techniques and a how-to guide to help you squeeze extra miles per gallon into every fill-up.
These simple but effective tips will definitely assist you in saving a little extra money by improving your vehicle's mileage.
Travel Light
Take out extra weight from your vehicle, that you deem unnecessary as it wastes fuel during acceleration. Designing the latest cars and making them lightweight, plays a pivotal role in fuel efficiency. A front wheel drive with excess weight on the rear will reduce your mileage as the front wheels aren’t getting a good grip
Use Cruise Control
By using the cruise control, specially on the highway, will make your travel more fuel efficient. By using Cruise control not only will you be reducing the need to apply accelerator or brakes but you will also be able to maintain a safe, legal and gas efficient speed.
The Fuel-Efficient way of Driving
A lot depends on how you drive your vehicle, driving at 60 Km/hr on the third gear will use 25% more fuel than in fifth. When you drive in fast speed in low gears, you are laboring the engine which results in 45% more fuel consumption. Driving in highest gear possible without laboring the engine is a fuel-efficient way of driving.
Maintaining your car tyres
An under inflated tire will require more fuel used by engine to move the car. The tires should be checked atleast once a month for bad wheel alignment as well. Cross-check the owner’s manual to know the optimum pressure required for the best balance between gas mileage and traction.
Don’t let your engine Idle
Not only idling will consume from half-a-gallon to one gallon of gas per hour but it will also release unnecessary carbon emissions into the atmosphere. The latest engines are designed to consume less fuel turning off and restarting than idling.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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