Irish drivers are not maintaining their own cars which they use for work

Irish drivers are not maintaining their own cars which they use for work
New research has found that Irish business travellers who use their own cars for work instead of say a company vehicle, are not carrying out basic safety checks on their vehicles. These private vehicle drivers are designated ‘grey fleet’ drivers.
This possibly should be a key concern to employers as they have a legal responsibility to their employees who use their own cars for work-related travel.
The research was carried out by Enterprise Rent-A-Car who found that 58 per cent of grey fleet drivers do not undertake any regular maintenance checks on their cars.
When grey fleet drivers were asked why they did not maintain their cars properly, nearly a third (32 per cent ) said they expected "the car to tell them if something was wrong" and 27 per cent said "that’s what car services and the NCT are for". One in six (17 per cent ) simply expected modern cars to work.
Even more worryingly, some 39 per cent have never even checked their tyre tread and almost a third or 31 per cent have not looked at engine oil levels. Added to this, 35 per cent have never checked if their brake lights are working and a third or 32 per cent admit they have never even opened the car bonnet.
The managing director of Enterprise Rent-A-Car Ireland, George O’Connor said it is a common practice for businesses in Ireland to allow their employees to use their own cars for work journeys.
"However, our research indicates that many drivers are not always checking their vehicles before a work-related trip. It’s very likely this is something that companies are simply not aware of, and equally, they may not be aware of some of the implications for themselves should the driver be involved in an accident due to lack of vehicle maintenance.
“We would advise all businesses with employees who drive their own vehicles for work to ensure their travel and transport policies cover areas such as vehicle maintenance and routine checks for personal vehicles used for work-related travel. Developing a travel policy is an area where we often work with our business customers, not least because this is our day to day work.
“It may also make sense to provide employees with other travel options when they are planning a trip, such as pool cars, rental car vehicles, car clubs, or advice on the availability of public transport, especially where it may be difficult to monitor how privately owned vehicles are maintained. These options can be more cost-effective than the grey fleet and employees often welcome not having to use their own vehicle for business.”
The research also revealed many grey fleet drivers in Ireland are unsure if the car they use for work contains vital safety equipment. Nearly a half (47 per cent ) do not know if they have a warning triangle, 37 per cent do not know if they have a jack, and 51 per cent are uncertain if their car holds a high-visibility vest or jacket. While not mandatory in Ireland, road safety organisations recommend motorists should ensure they have these basic safety items in their car. A third of grey fleet drivers (33 per cent ) do not currently know if their car has a usable spare tyre.
It was also revealed in the survey that 42 per cent of grey fleet drivers do not check they have enough fuel, and more than half 51 per cent do not do any basic safety checks on their vehicle. As well as that, almost two-thirds or 63 per cent do not plan for breaks at least every two hours, even though road safety organisations agree that regular breaks on long trips are vital to maintain driver focus and concentration. George O’Connor went on to say:
“This research highlights that many personal vehicles aren’t always equipped for work-related travel and that employees don’t necessarily have the right equipment in the car if they break down,"
"Staff may need a reminder before they set off on a trip of what they need to take in their vehicle, especially if they drive abroad where the requirements may be different. In some cases, companies may wish to consider if it is appropriate to help with the cost of these items, not least as they may be stopped and fined by the police on the highway. Again, this is an area that can be addressed by a travel policy designed to cover the grey fleet.”


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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