Irish Rail releases video of level crossing near-misses
WATCH: Shocking Video Footage at Level Crossings
Irish Rail has released CCTV video footage of vehicles crashing into level crossing barriers.
They have urged pedestrians, cyclists and drivers to be extra vigilant when approaching level crossings as they have noticed a rise in potentially dangerous incidents which can be seen from the video
The video footage shows some of the dangerous things happening at Irish level crossings around the country, especially at busy level crossings in Dublin.
One incident which happened only two weeks ago shows a truck striking one of the gates at Sydney Parade in Dublin.
Another clip taken at night shows a black car crashing through both sides of the level crossing.
In another clip, you can see two boys running under the barrier at Porterstown. You will see these lads hopping over the barrier on the other side of the tracts with one of them tumbling over the barrier.
Irish Rail released the video compilation as part of an awareness campaign aimed at people who fail to heed level crossing warning lights.
Aside from safety issues, damage to level crossings can also cause traffic delays and could even be seen as criminal damage.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
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