Mercedes has recalled three million diesel vehicles over toxic emissions

Mercedes has recalled three million diesel vehicles over toxic emissions. The vehicles are being recalled in order for the cars on-board computer to receive a software update to cut output of gases linked to respiratory diseases.
As part of the latest toxic emissions scare, Mercedes Benz has recalled almost three million diesel cars and vans across Europe. The German car manufacturer Daimler has also urged drivers to have a ‘software update’ installed which will cut emissions of toxic nitrogen oxides, linked to respiratory disease.
This latest recall only serves to cast more doubt over the future of diesel engines. The German car giant Daimler as a result has urged drivers to take their cars into the local garage to have a ‘software update’ installed.
This is a ‘voluntary recall’ and covers nearly all diesel Mercedes-Benz cars registered in Europe, including Ireland, over the last few years.
Daimler, the company who owns Mercedes Benz, would not give a breakdown of how many vehicles in each country but experts have suggested it could affect up to 300,000 motorists in Britain alone, which is one of Mercedes’ biggest markets.
Daimler is seeking to head off a growing crisis over potential emissions cheating by voluntarily recalling more than 3 million Mercedes-Benz diesel vehicles in Europe.
The recall involves just a software patch which avoids complex component fixes but it will still cost the automaker about €220 million. If this plan is accepted by officials, it could help Daimler avoid the massive penalties that beset Volkswagen.
Juergen Pieper a Frankfurt-based analyst with Bankhaus Metzler said:
“This is finally a proactive move to put something on the table and a solid attempt at getting out in front of the debate,”
The cost of the recall is estimated to be about €70 per car, which is “extraordinarily low” but could rise.The plan marks a change of approach after Daimler vowed to fight accusations of cheating by “all legal means” following a meeting with government officials in Berlin last week.
Diesel is crucial to Daimler’s strategy to lower carbon-dioxide emissions. Like most car manufacturers, they can ill afford to have the technology and its reputation burdened by doubts and allegations.
This latest crisis has clouded Daimler for months, with hundreds of police officers and prosecutors participating in searches at company sites back in May as part of an investigation which was opened earlier this year.
German investigators made a search of the car manufactures offices in connection with alleged fraud. They are scrutinising the car-maker for possible emissions cheating involving two engines used by Mercedes. Employees of the company are alleged to have manipulated exhaust controls in diesel cars and as a result, the company is still co-operating with the investigation.
Daimler is also the subject of an investigation in the United States for alleged excessive diesel emissions. Unlike Volkswagen, which admitted it deceived regulators, Daimler says it adhered to regulations that allow vehicles to reduce emissions controls to protect a car’s engine.
All of these controversies are contributing to the sullied reputation of diesel engines and emissions reduction technology. It has prompted companies such as Daimler, BMW and Audi to push for driving bans on older models to cut air pollution.
(As always, if you or a family member are considering buying a used car, don’t buy until you run a car check report with where you will find out the true history of the vehicle.)


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
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