Motorists could soon unlock the doors of their cars with a selfie

New photographic identification to unlock cars
Jaguar Land Rover newly patented technology will use facial recognition and gait analysis that can identify drivers.
Cameras mounted near the windows can capture photos and video of the owner of the vehicle as they approach it. These images are then run through the car's onboard computer which has data that it can recognise the driver.
The new technology will allow drivers to open their cars by photographic identification.
If the selfie matches the information contained within the car's computer system, the car will unlock and open the doors.
Drivers will no longer have the hassle of having to carry and find their keys. This will make it so much easier if they are laden with bags of shopping, for example.
The patent says: “The user of the vehicle must carry out a registration process which requires them to record a still image of their face and a moving image such as a hand gesture or their gait as they approach the vehicle.”
By using video footage and gait recognition, this ensures thieves cannot fool the system. So even if would-be-thieves hold up photographs of the owner, that they may have printed out, the system will detect the deception and not unlock the vehicle.
Like having a normal set of keys, the technology will allow several people to register with the same car, so friends and family can unlock and drive it when necessary.
The advanced cameras will capture a 3D image and can estimate how far a person is away from the vehicle, analyse their movement and determine if it needs to unlock. Future Jaguars and Land Rovers may not even need door handles making use of different hand gestures to signal which door to open.
The new technology patent had this to say, “If the vehicle is sold, the stored images can be removed and new authorised image identifiers stored instead.
“The vehicle doors may be controlled independently of one another or may be controlled as a single unit.
“The moving image may be a gesture, such as a hand wave, a salute or another hand signal which the user makes on approach to or arrival at the vehicle.
“A still more sophisticated embodiment may use discrimination between different gestures to unlock different doors of the vehicles.”
Two cameras will be fixed on each side of the vehicle and angled so they capture the type of gait or walk of those who approach from the front or behind. A photo will also be taken when the user stands next to the car. A wireless key fob would further increase security further.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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