New book reveals inside track on the Volkswagen emissions scandal

New book reveals inside track on the Volkswagen emissions scandal
It’s been almost two years, 21 months to be precise since the news surfaced that one of the biggest motor manufacturers in the world, Volkswagen, one of the most trusted and popular car brands in the world deliberately misled millions of their customers.
The author of the new book by New York Times journalist Jack Ewing, Faster, Higher, Farther: The Inside Story of the Volkswagen Scandal presents an incredibly compelling exposé of the Volkswagen Scandal which is one of the greatest corporate scandals of all time.
Jack Ewing has been covering the story from day one and has followed the story ever since. He has gained access to all the key players in the scandal and has followed the ongoing legal proceedings.
According to pundits, the book reveals a gripping tale of executive arrogance that led to the downfall of one of the world's most prestigious brands.
The clean diesel fraud scandal broke in September 2015 and it sent shock-waves across the automotive world.
Not only does the scandal have major implications for all motor manufacturers but regular consumers are extremely angry at the how the scandal transpired. Investors panicked and the company has been left humiliated, as lawsuits and criminal investigations are piling up.
By August 2016, Volkswagen had settled with US regulators and car-owners for $15bn, with additional fines and claims still expected. Here in Ireland and the rest of Europe, settlements have yet to be made.
The author documents Volkswagen's rise from "the people's car" which gained popularity during the Nazi era to one of Germany's most prestigious and important global brands.
He portrays a vivid portrait of Volkswagen chairman Ferdinand Piech and chief executive Martin Winterkorn, arguing that their driving and unremitting ambition drove Volkswagen employees to illegal acts.
The description of Volkswagen is one of which a great corporate success story, was gravely undermined by the company's lack of ethics.
From one revelation to another, this compelling tale reveals that truth can be so much more shocking than fiction.
(As always, if you or a family member are considering buying a used car, don’t buy until you run a car check report with where you will find out the true history of the vehicle.)


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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