New Road Network Mobile Phone Warning Sign!
New Mobile Phone Warning Sign
New road sign technology aimed at mobile phone use while driving is being trialled in Norfolk in the UK. This new mobile phone detection system will deter motorists from using their hand-held mobile phones while driving and it is the first of its kind to be used on roads in the UK.
The new detection and cutting-edge mobile phone sign s place on the Holt Road near Norwich Airport for the past four weeks. It is currently being used to educate drivers and alerting them to the fact they are breaking the law if they use their mobile while driving.
It would seem that doubling the penalty points to 6 for texting or making or taking a call on a hand-held phone while driving and also a £200 fine doesn’t seem to be having the desired effect.
This new mobile phone sign technology can identify the type of signal being transmitted or received by the phone and whether being used via Bluetooth. When it detects a phone being used in the vehicle, the sign is activated to shame the driver to stop using it.
The trial is a joint effort between the county council road safety team and Dereham-based vehicle sign technology company Westcotec. The mobile phone detection doesn't record specific number plates but it can record data about how many times it is activated. This could prove useful for future police crackdowns. We can presume that in the future, the system will be able to detect the registration number of the vehicle and be able to detect if it is the driver using it and not another person travelling in the vehicle.
If you are a driver who flouts the mobile phone rules, take it as a sign that you have been warned!

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
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As the Managing Director of Vehicle
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need and importance of trustworthy and
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