The odd and unusual things people leave in their cars

A study in the UK has revealed some of the weird and wonderful things people have kept in the cars.
Some of the odd and unusual things that people have kept in cars are Mannequins, bales of hay, 52 pies and a false leg the study has found.
More of the wackier things have been a wicker reindeer, two single mattresses and even a container to contain urine! People have also stashed away cat litter and even a wedding dress in their boot.
The poll conducted involved 2,000 drivers and it was found that one quarter of all surveyed were embarrassed by the lack of cleanliness of their car, with an equal number admitting to regularly losing items in their vehicle and one in twenty admitting to never even cleaning the inside of their car.
Simon McCulloch, from, which commissioned the research said:
“Many motorists are on the road so much that it’s no surprise that our cars can become a home away from home.
“However, with this comes a greater risk of attracting unwanted attention from car thieves.”
The study also revealed that some had a hamster cage in their vehicle. Others still, kept extra underwear and even handcuffs in their car! These are just some of the items hoarded by the Brits’ in their cars. We can only imagine that here in Ireland, the contents of our cars are equally as interesting.
Other things found during the study included dirty nappies, parts of a railway engine and a tank of water filled with fish. One car owner even had 160 hats in their car and still another driver had stashed away 24 rolling pins in their wagon.
The research also showed more normal contents of cars such as empty bottles, bags and make-up in their car for at least a month before clearing them out.
We all have moments where we say we will go to the gym but never get around to it, which is probably why one in 10 are hoarding their gym kit in their boot.
Others keep clothes, toys or even personal documents in their cars but it's probably not a good idea to keep important and personal documents in your car.
The study, conducted via, also found just under one third of motorists are stowing away objects in their vehicles for months at a time.
And one in 10 admit they leave things to fester in their "fendered-friends" for over a year.


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
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