Project Edward. European Day Without A Road Deaths
European Day Without Any Road Deaths wants to do its part to help make this Thursday a European Day Without A Road Death
Seventy people die every day on Europe’s roads, 110 people have been killed on Irish roads so far this year (as of 14th September). This is 22 less than in the same period in 2016 but it is still a lot of heartache and misery for families.
Project EDWARD is organised each year all across Europe with the long-term aim to to reduce significantly death and serious injury on European roads and also roads across the whole world.
On average, 70 people die every single day on Europe’s roads. The Project Edward initiative was originally devised by the European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL) and was inaugurated for the first time in 2016.
Project EDWARD aims to raise awareness of road safety and help reduce the number of people killed while out on the roads.
The whole project comes with the backing of policy makers in all the European Governments including senior politicians, police chiefs and other road safety organisations as well as the European Commission.
Paolo Cestra, who is the president of TISPOL said:
“If everyone commits to making small changes, then the road safety improvements will be huge and we will achieve big reductions in the number of people who are killed or seriously injured.
“So please share our road safety messages on social media using #ProjectEDWARD, and sign”
As in 2016, this year in 2017 the day of action is Thursday 21st September.
After reflecting on last years campaign, TIPSOL have observed that the results paint quite a mixed picture of progress in reducing deaths and serious injuries on Europe’s roads.
Countries across the European Union in the last decade have been highly successful in pursuing the 2020 50% reduction target but sadly in the last two years there has been some disappointing news showing that downward trend has stagnated. endorses and encourages all road users to take the Road safety pledge:
I promise that I will:
Remind my family, friends and colleagues to take extra care on the roads.
Put my lights on for safety.
Drive as safely as I can and follow the rules when behind the wheel or riding a motorbike or bicycle.
Be extra vigilant and attentive to the needs of pedestrians, cyclists, children, older people and horse riders.
Drive at speeds that are both legal and safe.
Carry out proper safety checks on my tyres.
Pay particular attention when driving near schools, and where there are lots of children.
Never drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs/medicines that could impair safety.
Look as far ahead as possible and not tailgate other drivers
Always wear my seatbelt and ensure that everyone with me wears theirs.
Not use my mobile phone while driving.
Ensuring I am not distracted by anything inside or outside the car, or inside my head.
Set a good example to my passengers by driving calmly and safely.
Driver behaviour, as one can imagine, remains the most important barrier to progress in the reduction of serious injury and fatalities on our roads.
Drivers unwittingly or sometimes knowingly are putting other road users at risk. Factors include, speeding, drink-driving, not wearing a seat belt, using the phone while driving, using vehicles they have not kept roadworthy, parking their cars on bicycle lanes, blocking pedestrian crossings, not turning on their lights or engaging in risky manoeuvres.
Drivers are not the only ones at fault here as cyclists and pedestrians also can increase risk levels on the roads by choosing to ignore the rules of the road and taking needless and careless risks.
We would ask that everyone take just a moment to reflect and think how their actions can impinge on the safety of other people on the roads. We should all have a vested interest in road safety and be proactive in reducing those risks.
Project EDWARD’s target is to not have anyone die on any of Europe’s roads, tomorrow, Thursday 21 September.
It is hoped that Project EDWARD this year can make a significant contribution towards road safety and the reductions of road death and serious injury.
Please join us and make the pledge to support Project EDWARD, and do your bit to reduce risk and improve safety for the people who use our roads.
We hope that Project EDWARD is a complete success tomorrow and that this high-profile campaign across Europe can have meaningful results. would appeal to everyone to embrace project EDWARD and know that small actions can lead to massive improvements and save lives.
Share your actions using #ProjectEDWARD @ProjectEdward @MyVehicleCheck
(As always, if you or a family member are considering buying a used car, don’t buy until you run a car check report with where you will find out the true history of the vehicle.)

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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