Seven cars stolen from dealership in Northern Ireland

Seven cars stolen from dealership in Northern Ireland
Seven cars have been stolen during from a dealership in Co Antrim, Northern Ireland.The break-in happened at MB Motors, Woodside Park in Ballymena on Friday night between 11 pm and 7 am on Saturday. The business has been operating in the town for 15 years.
The owner of the dealership, Malcolm Beattie, said he was "devastated" at the burglary less than a week after he opened his new premises.
Images of the stolen vehicles have been posted on the dealership's Facebook page which also shows how his office had been trashed by the criminals.
The value of the stolen vehicles, which includes a brand new company van, are estimated to be worth around £100,000 (€116,800)

Included in the cars stolen is an Audi A4, Land Rover and a BMW 5 series. The owner, Mr Beattie was told by the Police Service of Northern Ireland that the number plates had been changed soon after they had been stolen.
"I only opened the doors of the new premises on Monday and there has been quite a footfall in looking around,"
"They came in, vandalised the office, stole keys that were locked away and were away in seven vehicles."


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
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As the Managing Director of Vehicle
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