More SHOCKING proof why diesel cars should face a total BAN

It has been scientifically proven that diesel car emissions can significantly raise the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
According to new research, danger to human health is increased due to the particles emitted by car exhausts.
Diesel vehicles emit toxic particles and pollutants emitted from exhaust pipes which can enter the bloodstream via the lungs thus increasing the risk of heart failure.
Diesel nanoparticles remain in the body for months, congregating and congregate in the areas of the body which are most prone to disease which are the lungs and therefore the heart.
Government measuring equipment at the moment cannot trace these particles making them a silent killer.
Most people know that fumes of any kind are really bad for their lungs and they are right.
Scientists and health experts have been aware also that air pollution is bad for the lungs but it hasn’t been until now that they have become aware that diesel molecules could penetrate the body further.
A research team at Edinburgh University conducted an experiment to see how these particles behaved in the body.
In the study, the research team simulated human cycling through a busy city and using harmless gold nanoparticles that were an equivalent size to diesel to replicate the particles emitted via the exhaust pipe.
Body samples were then surgically removed to reveal how the gold had penetrated the body.
They found that the particles had accumulated in the fatty areas inside blood vessels, which are responsible for heart attacks and strokes.
Cardiovascular disease, caused by air pollution, accounts for 40,000 premature deaths every year in the UK.
Worryingly, the scientists say that they only have the capacity to measure the volume of particles and not the number of them.
It would seem from what scientists are saying, that the volume of pollution is falling but the number of tiny particulates is on the rise and it is these tiny particles that can have very adverse effects on human health.
Dr Nicholas Mills, Professor of Cardiology at Edinburgh and one of the study’s co-authors, said:
“We have always suspected that nanoparticles in the air that we breath could escape from the lung and enter the body, but until now there was no proof.
“These findings are of wide importance for human health, and we must now focus our attention on reducing emissions and exposure to airborne nanoparticles.”
Originally, the purchase of diesel cars was encouraged because they emit less CO2 emissions than petrol cars but subsequently it has been found that diesel is far more dangerous to humans.
Petrol cars produce on average 50 percent fewer particles than a diesel car which can penetrate the lungs.
Dr Mark Miller, who led the Edinburgh study, said:
“It is striking that particles in the air we breathe can get into our blood where they can be carried to different organs of the body.
“Only a very small proportion of inhaled particles will do this, however, if reactive particles like those in air pollution then reach susceptible areas of the body then even this small number of particles might have serious consequences."


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
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need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
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