Tech company Baidu will put self driving cars on the road by 2020

Tech company Baidu will put self driving cars on the road by 2020 making the Internet giant the latest tech company to enter the autonomous vehicle arena.
Baidu, one of the largest Internet companies in the world is a Chinese-American web services company headquartered at the Baidu Campus in Beijing's Haidian District in China.As part of the company's Project Apollo, they will get autonomous cars driving in "simple urban conditions" by July 2017.
Again another tech company has earmarked 2020 as the pivotal year of the automated car.
Baidu, is known as China's Google due to its search engine's prevalence in the country and now that they have unveiled Project Apollo, they hope to get fully autonomous self-driving cars onto highways and city roads by 2020.
At the moment, its autonomous driving technology will only be functional in restricted environments when it is first launched in July.
The company hopes by the end of the year,cars will be running autonomously in "simple urban road conditions."

Other Tech companies around the world have entered the vehicle autonomy sector such as Google through it’s parent company Alphabet, Uber and Apple and other computer companies.
Baidu has been working on self-driving technologies for a while and has been working hard at the development of its self-driving cars but the journey hasn’t always been smooth. Like many autonomy innovators, there has been a few bumps in the road which have included crashes and legal drama.
The company last year received approval to test its autonomous vehicles in California, teaming up with the other computer giant Nvidia to develop a computing platform for the cars using artificial intelligence.
Baidu is one of many to earmark 2020 as the year of the autonomous car. Bosch and Daimler hope to have self-driving taxis on the road by 2020 and also car manufacturers Toyota and Nissan have also marked 2020 as the year of their autonomous vehicle launch.


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
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