Tesla Model 3 bursts into flames
Electric vehicle bursts into flames after collision with tow truck die as assisted system fails
A tesla model 3 has reportedly burst into flames after crashing into a truck in Moscow, with a man and his two children in the vehicle.
The incident occurred late on Saturday evening just outside the capital city of Russia. It was reported by the driver that the vehicle was in a driver-assist mode in which enhanced safety features are enabled but the driver still remains in control of the vehicle with their hands on the wheel. The driver advised that he failed to see the truck.
“I was going along Moscow ring road in the left lane with a speed of 100kph (62mph) and did not notice a parked Gazelle tow truck,” he said.
Tesla has said that driver-assist mode requires the driver to have their hands on the wheel and also says its automatic emergency braking feature is “designed to automatically engage the brakes to reduce the impact of an unavoidable frontal collision”.It is not yet known whether the vehicle did this before it collided with the truck.
The man and his two children managed to escape from the vehicle before it caught fire and burst into flames. But they were not without injuries. The driver had a broken leg and the two children suffered from bruising and a concussion. They were immediately rushed to hospital.
A video of the initial explosion, captured by another driver, saw black smoke engulfing passing cars as well as smaller explosions coming from within the Tesla.
Tesla has not yet commented on the incident.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
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