Guinness is good for De-Icing your car!

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Guinness on Ice

Irish Motorists are using GUINNESS to defrost the windscreens of their cars!

Frostbitten motorists here in Ireland have discovered a novel way to de-ice the windscreens of their cars.

As we can all feel here in Ireland, the temperatures have plummeted and most motorists face the dreaded morning routine of de-icing their vehicles.

As we know pathways can effectively be dealt with using salt, and even the main road is gritted for safety but clearing ice off of a car windscreen and windows can be a little trickier.

If you are like us here at, you will no doubt dread the thoughts of filling up the kettle and heading out into the cold to pour warm water on the windows.

Frosty cold mornings

Some of us are scrappers and some of us are pourers, but for all the pourers amongst us, there may be a new alternative to warm water and the kettle. A can of Guinness from the fridge will do nicely, thank you.

Believe it or not, there is a section of Irish society that prefers to use Guinness to de-ice their car windscreen.

One man from Mayo, Des Walsh is reputedly the one who discovered the new de-icing hack. He shared his secret weapon in tackling any icy windscreen build-up using a can of Guinness in a video sent into the Irish Mirror.

There is no doubt there is a science behind the use of Guinness for de-icing but suffice to say it seems to work. An increasing number of motorists have discovered that they can use rubbing alcohol to remove ice from windscreens and hence, the Guinness hack was born.

With this freezing weather, we are experiencing at the moment, what better excuse to get a few extra cans of Guinness in the weekly shop.

It would seem after all that Guinness is good for you in more ways than one.


We all know that pouring boiling water over your windscreen can lead to cracking the glass. Believe it or not, in extremely cold conditions, hot water can freeze faster than cooler water. So, if you apply hot water to a frozen windshield, you may find it refreezing again soon. So make sure you don’t put boiling water on the frozen windscreen in case you damage it. The water doesn't have to be even very hot to be effective in removing ice.


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader in automotive intelligence and vehicle data supply to the entire motor industry. He has almost 20 years experience in building systems from the ground up. As the Managing Director of Vehicle Management System, he understands the need and importance of trustworthy and reliable vehicle history and advice to both the trade and the public.
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