A common aftermarket car feature that is actually illegal
Could your car have this illegal modification?
Gardaí have put out a warning to motorists that certain modifications to their cars could be, in fact, illegal.
"There is a misguided perception that drivers with illegal modifications are entitled to a pass because there's more serious crimes being committed"
They have revealed that a common feature which is believed by many to be legal is, in fact, a breach of Irish law.
This has come to light after a driver narrowly escaped a court appearance after the Guards pulled him over for having the rule breaking modification on his vehicle.
The regulations surround the common feature of window tint. The rules on tinting are very strict and only allow for a certain modification within the legal limits. The Road Safety Authority said:
“Heavily tinted windows present a significant safety hazard for vehicle drivers and their occupants.
“Visibility is greatly reduced particularly at night-time or times of low light and may prevent drivers from seeing other road users or pedestrians.”
The driver who was pulled over by the guards was asked to remove the tinted window film on the spot as it was way darker than what is allowed under legislation.
As a result of the incident, the gardai are warning other drivers that they could face fines and a court appearance if they are caught. A Garda spokesperson wrote on Facebook:
“There is a misguided perception that drivers with illegal modifications are entitled to a pass because there's more serious crimes being committed. This isn't the case.
“The Road Safety Authority is tasked with a similar mission to ourselves with regard to reducing collisions and injuries on our roads.”
The Garda spokesperson went on to say: “Vehicle owners are welcome to stamp their individuality on their cars but such modifications must be legal or said users are quite literally inviting prosecution.”

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
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