The Irish Cancer Society is calling for free parking for cancer patients

Irish Cancer Society calling for free parking for cancer patients
The Irish Cancer Society has appealed to hospitals around Ireland to provide free parking for cancer patients.
The charity has revealed that cancer sufferers are spending as much as €63 a week on parking charges at Irish hospitals.
They are calling on the HSE to make parking free of charge for patients attending clinics.
Take Tallaght Hospital in Dublin for example; a four-hour stay will cost a patient €10 which is more than double the price shoppers will pay in the Square Shopping Centre just two minutes down the road.
Irish hospitals raised €16m last year in car parking revenue and the Irish Cancer Society says that the cost is putting unnecessary strain on cancer patients and their families at a particularly vulnerable time in their lives
Head of Services and Advocacy at the Irish Cancer Society, Donal Buggy, said: “People undergoing treatment are facing real hardship in having to deal with additional costs and large drops in income, and high car parking charges only add to this.
“We have proposed a set of guidelines for hospitals to the HSE, that, if put in place, would make a big difference to cancer patients.”

Justin Kavanagh
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