The world's smallest flying car being tested in Japan

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Japanese start up tests prototype flying car

Japanese start up tests prototype flying car

A Japanese startup called SkyDrive Inc. is conducting human-piloted test flights of their prototype flying car at a protected indoor facility.

The tests are being carried out at the SkyDrive research flight centre outside of Nagoya.

The flying car company was founded by former Toyota engineers and they believe that their vehicle will be ‘the world’s smallest flying car.”

The company is not at this time revealing how the test flights are going, but are saying things are going well enough to continue with research and development. 

SkyDrive believes that their flying car could ease traffic congestion, especially in busy cities like Tokyo.

The company also hopes that the flying car could be helpful in search and rescue missions and during emergencies where conventional infrastructure is an obstacle to quick response.


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader in automotive intelligence and vehicle data supply to the entire motor industry. He has almost 20 years experience in building systems from the ground up. As the Managing Director of Vehicle Management System, he understands the need and importance of trustworthy and reliable vehicle history and advice to both the trade and the public.
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