WATCH as escaped cow causes havoc in Ennis

Mad cow on the loose!
Footage has appeared on YouTube of an escaped cow causing chaos in the County Clare town of Ennis on July 25.
The farm animal broke loose from its pen in the Ennis mart. The video shows the cow running down the street being pursued by cars and trailers.
One bystander getting out of a van narrowly escapes getting attacked by the cow before the animal runs through another busy junction only to attack and knockdown one unfortunate pedestrian. A spokesman for the HSA (Health and Safety Authority) said in a very brief statement:
“The HSA can confirm that the matter has been reported to the authority and that it is looking into it.”
According to Clare FM radio, the cow was being unloaded at the Ennis cattle mart when it broke loose from the pen and escaped in the direction of Quin Road.
One man who happened to be at the main gate of the mart tried to stop the cow from escaping into the streets but he was reported to have been knocked to the ground by the spooked farm animal.
The man was reportedly brought to University Hospital Limerick, where he was treated for minor head injuries.
The mad cow also crashed into a van, damaging the vehicle before it was cornered and recaptured by a number of people at the back of the Dunnes Stores car-park.
iThe local Health and Safety Authority said it is investigating the incident.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
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