Why you’re more likely to buy a dodgy used car in Ireland than in the UK

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We have highlighted 5 main reasons why buying a used car in Ireland carries more risk than that of our British counterparts and why the first step in purchasing a used car should be to check the background history of the vehicle.

Here are the reasons why:


UK FLAG Written-Off Vehicles - Category Write-off A, B, C & D disclosed  


IRELAND FLAG Written-Off Vehicles - Category Write-off A & B only disclosed


In the UK, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) disclose Category Write-off’s A, B, C & D which are provided to companies like MyVehicle.ie and prevent unknowingly purchasing a vehicle that has been previously been written off.

In Ireland, the Department of Transport Tourism and Sport (DTTAS) only disclose Category Write-off’s A & B, which dramatically increases the risk and chances of purchasing a vehicle that was previously written off as a category C or D. Fortunately MyVehicle.ie has spent years building up a database of seriously damaged vehicles and highlight these if we have a record.


UK FLAG Clocked Vehicles - MOT mileage readings disclosed


Clocked Vehicles - NCT & CVRT do not disclose any mileage readings


In the Uk, the Ministry of Transport (MOT) disclose all recorded mileage readings, which highlight the date of each entry.


In Ireland, the National Car Test (NCT) do not disclose any mileage readings, which they class as a data protection issue.


Safe Vehicles - MOT Pass and Fail reports disclosed


Safe Vehicles - NCT & CVRT do not disclose any Pass or Fail reports


In the UK, the MOT will disclose all pass and fail reports, which highlight the safe and potentially unsafe aspects of a vehicle.

In Ireland, the NCT does not disclose any vehicle information, which they also class as a data protection issue.


Vehicle History Checks - 80% of the UK public run a check prior to purchase


Vehicle History Checks - 20% of the Irish public run a check prior to purchase


In the UK, vehicle background history checks have been available for many years and the general public within the UK have been educated in the importance of purchasing these history checks prior to buying any used vehicle.

In Ireland, vehicle background history checks are a relatively new concept to the Irish used car buyer, so the importance of these checks are yet to be fully understood or appreciated until it’s normally too late.


Stolen Vehicles - Police National Computer Services do disclose this data


Stolen Vehicles - An Garda Síochána do not disclose this data


In the UK, stolen vehicle records are held on the Police National Computer Services system who have given several UK vehicle data providers access to this information.

In Ireland, stolen vehicle records are held, controlled and operated by An Garda Síochána within their PULSE system (Police Using Leading Systems Effectively) and this information is not disclosed to any third party company.

If you are buying a used vehicle, wouldn't it be worth spending €35 to have a Full Background History Check done to make sure it was okay?

MyVehicle.ie is one of Ireland’s leading vehicle data check companies, with the most competitive and low costing reports. MyVehicle.ie will provide a report on all Irish and UK registered vehicles, (cars, vans, bikes, trucks, etc). A vehicle history check can indicate whether a vehicle was an insurance write-off, previously damaged, clocked, stolen, previous taxi, under finance, imported and much more.


dodgy used car


Industry leading service:

  • Reports from only €5
  • Vehicle Valuations just €10
  • PDF copies for your records
  • Up to 40 pieces of information
  • Irish-based call centre
  • Multiple check packages
  • Instant reports online
  • Irish and UK Finance Check
  • Valauations


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader in automotive intelligence and vehicle data supply to the entire motor industry. He has almost 20 years experience in building systems from the ground up. As the Managing Director of Vehicle Management System, he understands the need and importance of trustworthy and reliable vehicle history and advice to both the trade and the public.
Follow me on LinkedIn

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