Buy a Tesla with Bitcoin
Buy 1 Tesla with 1 BTC
In recent months, the Tesla CEO, Elon Musk has said that you can now buy a Tesla electric car with Bitcoin (BTC).
Elon Musk is a big Block Chain enthusiast and a huge fan of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
As the BTC price is volatile, the price you pay for the car in Bitcoin will change daily and even hourly depending on current price versus the US Dollar.
Tesla is now invested heavily in digital assets and especially Bitcoin with $1.5bn (£1.1bn) holdings. The company said they had developed internal software to handle BTC payments which "operates Bitcoin nodes directly". Nodes are basically computers that process digital currency transactions.
BTC saw modest gains on Wednesday after the announcement was made. Mr Musk said, "Bitcoin paid to Tesla will be retained as Bitcoin, not converted to fiat currency"
As of today, one Bitcoin is worth in the range of $42,000 - $45,000 USD. You can now secure an order for a new Tesla in the United States with the equivalent of a $100 (204,937 satoshi’s) deposit in Bitcoin.
The btc payment facility will be rolled out in other countries in the next few months.
Bitcoin's volatile price makes its use to buy real-world goods somewhat complicated. According to Tesla's terms and conditions, if you are looking for a refund, it can pay in either the exact amount of Bitcoin you paid or in US dollars based on the dollar price of the car. Basically speaking, if the price of Bitcoin makes a move to the upside before a refund is issued, the customer could lose out.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
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