How to buy a used car in Ireland
If you need to buy a car but have a limited budget, buying a used car is your best bet. And, buying a used car in Ireland does not have to be a complicated process. We’ve put together a short yet comprehensive guide that will help you buy a second-hand car in Ireland, in a hassle-free manner. Read on to know more.
Wondering how to buy a used car in Ireland? Here are 3 ways we recommend:
From a car dealer or garage: This is the safest way to buy a used car in Ireland because you, as a buyer, have a number of rights under the EU and Irish law. Car dealers and garages are required to, by law, give you all the necessary information about the vehicle, so you are able to make an informed decision. Before you get in touch with a car dealer or garage, it’s a good idea to check the reputation of the trader by reading online reviews.
Through a private seller: Private sellers may also advertise their cars on the internet through online marketplaces or third-party auction websites. If you are buying a used car in Ireland from a private seller, keep in mind that you won’t have a lot of legal protection.
At a car auction: You can get a great deal by purchasing a used car at a car auction. However, if you are purchasing the car in a ‘sold as seen’ deal, you will not have too many rights under Irish law. The auctioneer, in such a case, will not be held responsible for any damages that the car may have, because you’ve agreed to their conditions of sale when purchasing the car.
What to check when buying a second-hand car in Ireland
The key to buying the right used car is knowing what to check to ascertain that the car is in good condition. Here are a few things we recommend you check when buying a used car in Ireland.
- Ensure that all the bodywork of the vehicle is uniform, and look out for any signs of over spraying or repairing.
- Check for uneven wear on the tires.
- Inspect the gear stick, pedal rubbers, and steering wheel for signs of extreme wear.
- Examine the odometer for signs of interference or alteration.
- Check whether all 4 doors open and close smoothly, and if the keys are able to start the ignition effortlessly.
- During your test drive, ensure that all the lights, electricals, and indicators are working well. Also, it’s a good idea to drive the car in different gears.
- Lastly, check the history of the car, and make sure there are no pending loans on the vehicle.
Questions to ask when buying a used car in Ireland
Here are some questions to ask when buying a used car in Ireland, to ensure you are picking the right car.
1) Can I check the logbook?
It’s important that you check the logbook since it will prove the legitimacy of the owner.
2) Has the vehicle ever been crashed?
If the logbook appears to be okay, we recommend casually asking the seller if the car has ever been crashed. This may throw them off guard, but will likely ensure you get an honest response.
3) Has the vehicle been repainted?
While this may come across as a simple question, it can actually tell you whether the owner repainted the car to hide any damages to the body.
4) Can I check the car’s service history documents?
Remember that you’re paying thousands of euros to purchase this used car, so it’s important that you are aware of the history of the vehicle. Honest sellers will have no problem with sharing their car’s service history documents. If they make excuses, consider it a red flag and move on.
5) Has the vehicle’s NCT been completed recently?
While the NCT is mandatory, it’s a good idea to check if the vehicle has an in-date NCT. If the NCT of the car is coming up and someone is trying to sell you their vehicle before the date of the test, it could be because they’re unsure if the vehicle will clear the test.
6) Are you in possession of both keys to the car?
Beware of cars that are sold with only one key. All cars should have two keys, and the seller should be able to provide you both keys when you buy the car from them.
7) Are you the first owner of the car?
While you can find this information by checking the logbook, it’s still a good idea to find out how many owners the car has had. If the vehicle had multiple owners, it’s unlikely that all of the previous owners maintained and took care of it well. Ideally, try to only buy a car that has had one or two owners, at the most.
8) Why is the car being sold?
Make sure that the seller’s reason seems legitimate. For instance, selling the car because the seller wants to upgrade to a more spacious car is a legitimate reason.
9) Can I test drive the car?
This goes without saying - the seller should allow you to test drive the car so you can assess the drive quality and handling. Never sign the papers and buy a used car until you’ve taken it for a test drive.
10) Can you bring the price down?
If you’re satisfied with how the car looks and drives, you can get down to negotiating a fair price. It’s a good idea to start at a lower price than what you are willing to price and then go up to a price that suits the seller and you.
Buying a used car in Ireland is not as hard as it may seem. But, regardless of how good the car seems to be, make sure to do a Car history check to avoid potential problems in the future. While you may have to pay a small fee to do this, it can save you thousands of euros in repair costs.

Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
in automotive intelligence and vehicle
data supply to the entire motor industry.
He has almost 20 years experience in
building systems from the ground up.
As the Managing Director of Vehicle
Management System, he understands the
need and importance of trustworthy and
reliable vehicle history and advice to
both the trade and the public.
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