An insurance fraud you may be involved in without knowing that could give you a criminal record New statistics are revealing that almost half of drivers believe that a form of fraud which can secure cheaper car insurance for younger drivers is acceptable. Unbeknownst to most drivers, they are engaging in a fraud which is known as “fronting.” Fronting, believe...
Insurance barriers to be removed for self-driving cars New insurance rules are now being introduced in Britain plans to ensure victims of accidents involving self-driving cars are compensated quickly. This will aid in opening up the self-driving car market by removing a major obstacle to the nascent industry. Up until now, the introduction of self-driving cars has been hampered by...
Major changes could affect insurers with the arrival of Self-Driving Cars Will the inevitable arrival of autonomous vehicles on a mass scale send the auto insurance industry over a cliff? Some are saying that if you have a motor insurance business it may not exist in 20 years. Why? You can blame the seismic shift that is occurring in the...
Gardai siezes cars in Kildare Gardai surrounded several Kildare towns last Friday night in a task known as Operation Surround. The Operation aims to clamp down on drink driving and road traffic crime. During the evening, one man was arrested and four vehicles were seized from motorists suspected of driving while under the influence. Operation Surround saw Naas District Gardai...
Irish motorists should get cheaper insurance cover from abroad An Oireachtas committee set up to tackle rip-off motor insurance in Ireland is to recommend changes be implemented as soon as possible. They maintain that Irish motorists should be able to get cheaper car insurance abroad. The Dail's finance committee is also critical of the "considerable" amounts of money which Irish...
Fraudulent insurance claims database The government is compiling a new Insurance database of fraudulent insurance claims is on the way to tackle rocketing costs of premiums. The Cabinet has proposed that a national record of uninsured drivers be established as soon as possible after consideration of a report by junior minister Eoghan Murphy. Judges will have the responsibility to update...
Scammers target Christmas shoppers Fraudsters are targeting innocent drivers in car parks who are out Christmas shopping by lodging bogus claims against them. Insurance companies are warning customers to be vigilant as a spike in the scam has been recorded recently especially during the festive season. Aviva sent out the following message to customers by email in which they said,...
Insurance scammers staging fake road crashes for fraudulent claims New footage of insurance scammers emerged last night on RTÉ’s Prime Time which shows insurance fraudsters staging road crashes in order to lodge fraudulent claims. In a sting operation, Gardai covertly recorded footage of a group of individuals staging their fake road collision. RTE's Prime Time showed two crashes which were...
UK motor insurance fraudsters target Ireland Investigators have said that motor insurance fraudsters are now travelling from the UK to stage crashes here in Ireland with the express purpose of exploiting, what they believe to be, the lucrative compensation environment that exists here in Ireland. The criminals know that Ireland has some of the strictest data protection policies in the...
The motor industry and Central Bank are being accused of throwing Irish consumers to the wolves over the massive costs of car insurance in this country. Insurance premiums are spiralling out of control and an Oireachtas committee has been warned that the rapidly rising premiums are unlikely to be reversed any time soon. The Joint Committee on Finance, in a...