Car News recent articles in category Statistics

  • Click and Deliver services are helping to drive up car sales

    Click and delivery services helping to increase car sales New car registrations were up sharply in April compared to sales this time last year but still somewhat down nearly a quarter on 2019. There was a huge surge in electric vehicles registered with 596 vehicles sold compared to just 50 in April 2020. The increase is due to the massive...

  • The Nationwide Car Market Report April 2021

    Car Market Overview April 2021 During the month of April, the Nissan Qashqai was once again the best selling car sold by Independent dealers in Ireland. The Qashqai also came in third, fourth and sixth place. The ever popular Hyundai Tucson was in the second position on the leaderboard for Independent Dealer sales and this has not changed since the...

  • Crashed and Damaged Car Report March 2021

    Crashed, Damaged and Mileage Discrepancies Report Are you one of the unfortunate motorists who bought one of these cars during the month of March? Many will think that it is safer to buy directly from a Franchise Main Dealer but in some situations, this may not be the case. The shocking statistics below from reveals that during the space...

  • Almost 50,000 new cars were sold in the first month of 2021

    New Car Sales January 2021 Amazingly, new car sales were only down 3.2% in the first quarter despite the lockdown with almost 50,000 new cars registered. The top selling manufacturer in the first three months was Toyota with 6,320 new car registrations, ahead of Volkswagen with 5,245. These figures are certainly impressive despite showrooms being closed during the lockdown and...

  • Irish web search for electric cars is the fifth highest in Europe

    Electric vehicle websearch is one of the highest in Europe New research is showing that interest in electric cars is very high at the moment here in Ireland with searches far outpacing most other European countries, ahead of Sweden and the UK. Even though there is a certain amount of curiosity about electric vehicles here, we are far behind most...

  • Volkswagen’s profits rose in 2019 despite decline in car sales

    Vollswagen Group Ireland Sales Rise in 2019 Volkswagen Ireland profits rose last year by 13%, despite wider industry downturn in new car sales. Volkswagen Group Ireland is the country’s biggest car company and saw profits in 2019 of nearly €10.3 million, an increase of 13.2 per cent. Volkswagen Ireland sells passenger cars, light commercial vehicles as well...

  • Most popular cars in October 2020

    The Nationwide Market Overview report for October 2020. Once again, the Hyundai Tucson was the number one best selling car sold by Independent dealers in Ireland, with the Nissan Qashqai coming in a close second. The top-ten used cars sold by Franchise dealers for the month of December revealed the number one spot, also to be the Hyundai Tucson....

  • Motor industry calling for reduction in VRT

    VRT is far too high in Ireland according to motor industry bosses Members of the Irish Motor industry are appealing VRT reduction as car sales take a plunge. The call has gone out to reduce VRT as New car registrations for August were down 4.2% (4,875) compared to the same month last year 2019 (5,088). The total...

  • Traffic volume increases up to 16% as schools reopen

    Traffic volume on Irish roads increases as schools reopen According to Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII), traffic volumes have hugely increased compared to the past six months. Although, we are now seeing increased traffic on the roads, the volumes are still lower than this time last year. We have seen traffic rise significantly in the past week due...

  • Irish road traffic almost back to pre-covid levels

    According to the CSO (Central Statistics Office), the volume of cars on Irish roads is almost back to the levels before the lockdown and the volume of trucks is actually even greater than the volume on the roads last year. The CSO also revealed that journeys by bus and rail were 57% lower than March until August 8...