Garda National Roads Policing Bureau

The main responsibility of Garda Traffic is to significantly reduce the incidence of fatal and serious injuries and improve road safety. A
In their Traffic Mission Statement, An Garda Síochána say they are committed to developing a national culture of safe road use.
The Garda National Roads Policing Bureau (GNRPB) formulated back in 1997 to establish policy and oversee traffic policing throughout the state.
Assistant Commissioner Michael Finn who is based at Garda Headquarters in the Phoenix Park heads up the Garda National Roads Policing Bureau.
The traffic safety policies used by the Operational Traffic Corps Units are based in each Garda Division. These divisions enforce the policies developed by GNRPB.
According to the An Garda Síochána website, the 2 key factors in policy formulation are:
- Prioritised enforcement
- Traffic management
Enforcement of the traffic laws are almost entirely a Garda function while other traffic management functions can be a shared responsibility between An Garda Síochána and other agencies.
The Garda Traffic Corps assists in the free-flow of traffic and it is dedicated to the enforcement of road traffic legislation The first Traffic Corps Unit was established in Dublin in 1953 and was extended nationwide in 1973. The current strength stands at 709 Garda members as of July 2016.
Breakdown of Road Traffic Statistics are available by clicking on each of the following links:
Traffic Statistics for 2017
Traffic Statistics for 2016
Traffic Statistics for 2015
Traffic Statistics for 2014
Previous Years Statistics
For traffic related incidents please contact your local Garda Station by telephone or email, or alternatively the Traffic Watch scheme.
(As always, if you or a family member are considering buying a used car, don’t buy until you run a car check report with where you will find out the true history of the vehicle.)


Justin Kavanagh
Justin Kavanagh is a recognised leader
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