We have reached that important time of year again when we are seeing more emphasis being put on road safety. With so many deaths and injuries on Irish roads each year, Irish road users are most certainly in need of reminders that or own lives and the lives of others are so important out on the road. This year, the...
Ireland's Motor Industry On The Rise It was predicted last year by SIMI, The Society of the Irish Motor Industry that the Irish motor sector would rise by 20% in new car sales in 2016 and it certainly seems that is the case for some dealerships at least.It was reported over the weekend that one of Ireland's largest...
Car Sales Septemeber 2016 Research conducted by MyVehicle.ie revealed the top 10 most popular used cars sold by independent and franchise dealers across Ireland for September2016 as well as the vehicles that are shifting the quickest. MyVehicle.ie data shows what was in demand in the month of Septemberthat is being sold by independent and franchise dealers. This is a good...
The costofmaintaining a vehicle has steeply escalated in recent timesbut it is crucial to realize that a vehicle will burn 30% more fuel if it not properly maintained on a regular basis. This article attempts to help you cut back some of the gas expenses by combining finest car tweaks, behind-the-wheel techniques and a how-to guide to help you squeeze...
This year, the Irish Road Safety Week will run from 3rd Oct to 9th Oct. It will focus onloads of various road safety activities throughout the country. The RSA is urging people to get involved in this national drive to save lives, as statistics show that road fatalities are on the rise. The week long events will be ideal to...
Winter is Coming and during the dead ofwinter, it is extremely risky to head out in a poorly maintained vehicle. Its freezing weather, your arms barely function and your visionis impeded due to the fog. Extreme weather conditions, hot or cold can cause parts to wear out more quickly than they may otherwise. In case of snow, it is noted...
With 1 in every 6 Irish vehicles have outstanding finance owed, it’s really important to make sure you get a car history report before purchasing. Out of the cars checked, Dublin registered vehicles plates were the highest with 61% finance owed. By purchasing a car with outstanding finance, you could be making one of your most costly purchases you will...
Statistics from MyVehicle.ieshow used vehicle imports into Ireland have dramatically increased in 2016 compared to 2015 for the first eightmonths of the year. Imports of used cars overall are up 34.07% from this time last year. In 2015 the imports figure hit over 21,000 cars not measuring up to nearly doublefor the first eight monthsof 2016.The rise in used car...
During our latest study, MyVehicle.iediscovered the top 10 VehiclesWith Most Damage Alerts. Our data is compiled from various Crediblesources and is used byentire automotive industry ranging from Insurance Companies, Independent Vehicle Assessor's, Financial Institutions, Independent and Franchise Motor Dealers. Make Model Total 1.) Ford Focus 67 2.) Nissan Qashqai 66 3.) Volkswagen Passat 62 4.) Audi A4 61 5.)...
Our latest studies indicated that Car imports in Ireland have gone up with Brexit Vote. A major factor contributing to this effect is the fact that the sterling is almost 20% weaker than it was same time last year, a UK imported vehicle will probably be a lot cheaper. As we can see from the figure, Volkswagen continue to...